Message from Dr. McKiddy, President of MOCHE

Dear Members, 


Greetings and best wishes from the Missouri Council for History Education Board.  We're looking forward to an exciting year and hope you can participate in several of the programs we will be offering and supporting.


First, our own past president and conference chair, Joan Musbach has been selected by the Missouri Humanities Council as their 2016 Educator of the Year.  She will be honored at a luncheon in St. Louis in March.  We hope some of you will be able to attend to see Joan receive this recognition she deserves for her service to teachers in Missouri and across the U.S.


Second, watch for information about our fall conference.  We'll be in Hannibal this year with keynote speaker Henry Sweets, Administrator of the Mark Twain Museum.  


Third, we've received info on two programs for students which I'll attach below. The Japan Program will receive applications through February 5.


Fourth, we're planning a one day workshop in the Fulton area in October.  Check our website for more information.

The Board hopes your second semester is off to a rousing start.  


Gary McKiddy

MOCHE President