Message from the President of NCHE

In December, we celebrated passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).  This legislation includes support for history education, something long missing from Federal education law in recent years.  

One of the more promising sections of this measure, titled "National Activities," includes a new competitive grant program that would provide for under-served students by offering high-quality professional development in instructional methods for teachers of history, geography, economics and civics.  

The Administration's FY 2017 budget, proposed to Congress this past week, does notcontain funding for the National Activities portion of the ESSA budget. The National Council for History Education is urging members and friends to help restore this funding.    

Representatives Dennis Ross (R-FL) and Gwen Graham (D-FL) have invited all their colleagues in the House of Representatives to join in signing a letter to the House Appropriations Committee in favor of funding the competitive grants.  We urge you to contact your Congressional Representative and urge him or her to support this effort.  This page created by our partners at the National Coalition for History has been set up so you can conveniently identify and send a personalized message to your Representative.  

At stake is the funding for professional development and the instructional tool kits needed to sustain well-taught history courses.

Please take a few moments to make your voice heard.

Best regards,  

Justin Jakovac  
Executive Director
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