The Missouri Council for History Education is a statewide organization of history educators working to promote and improve history education and instruction in Missouri K-12 classrooms.
Recent Postings
MOCHE 2018 Conference
The 2018 Conference will be held at the Truman Presidential Library and Museum in Independence, MO.
The Missouri Council for History Education
Best Practices in History Education Conference
September 20 - 21, 2018
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum, Independence, Missouri
Featured Speakers
Yohuru Williams, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, St. Thomas University, St. Paul, Minnesota, and scholar in 20th century African-American History
Merry Wiesner-Hanks, World History professor at University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and recent Chief Reader for the AP World History Exam
Registration is now closed. For questions and more information contact Joan Musbach
Sponsored by the Missouri Humanities Council, Organization of American Historians, History Channel and the Truman Library and Museum
MOCHE Visiting Scholars Program
MOCHE contacts professional historians, veteran teacher leaders, and other scholars to conduct high quality professional development workshops for individual schools or school districts. We will work with the school or district and cater to the needs of those teachers. Programs can be half or full-day workshops. For more information, contact Dr. Flannery Burke.
Upcoming Visiting Scholars Programs
MOCHE provides additional opportunities for in-service days. Let us come to your school or district to discuss innovative and effective instructional methods with you and your colleagues.
Interested in the latest professional development opportunities that are happening in Missouri? Are you looking for innovative ways of incorporating historical content in your classroom? Our resources are peer-reviewed and vetted by some of the best educators in the state.